วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Venus de Capoue, Roman


             This cast is of a copy of a bronze Greek original, made in Roman to decorate the amphitheatre in Capua north of Naples, where it was found. This sculpture is 2.04 meters high. Her arms raised to hold a polished shield in which to gaze at her reflection was missing. The arms, part of the drapery and the nose are early nineteenth century restorations.
The Venus of Capua is a marble statue, represents her powerful  and the focal point that not interchangeable are still highlighting her femininity and sexuality. She is semi-nude, as Aphrodite and Venus usually are. This statue combines Venus’ sexuality and military power.             Aphrodite, standing with her weight on her right leg, has the draped covering the lower part of her body. Both her head and the upper part of her body face to the left. They used contrast between the smoothness of the naked parts and the wrinkle of the drapery

